
Durelloy ™ Tubing

Color Code:

Durelloy Tubing is a fine grained alloy delivered with perfect concentricity and excellent machinability. When oil-quenched, Durelloy Tubing provides a tough core and excellent case hardness.

Also available: Durelloy-FM and Durelloy-CD Tubing.


  • Sleeves
  • Slitters
  • Spacers
  • Ring gauges
  • Punches
  • Rings
  • Bushings
  • Bearings
  • Collets
  • Knives
  • Wearing rolls
  • Cams
  • Ring dies
  • Trimmers
  • Rollers

Features And Advantages

  • Fully annealed
  • Fine grain structure
  • Free machining
  • Excellent weldability
  • Tough core with case hardness

Typical Analysis

  • Carbon .18/.25
  • Manganese .50/.70
  • Chromium .85/1.10
  • Silicon .20/.35
  • Molybdenum .25/.32

Heat Treatment

  • Case hardening Direct quenching only
  • Carburizing 1725°–1750°F
  • Oil-quench Case: Rockwell C 58–62
  • Tempering 300°– 330°F, case: Rc 58–62
  • Above heat treatment produces course case
  • Core hardness will be approx. Rc 20–35

Durelloy Tubing Sizes Available For Immediate Shipment

Tube Ident. Outer Dia. Wall Thickness Inner Dia. Tube Ident. Outer Dia. Wall Thickness Inner Dia. Tube Ident. Outer Dia. Wall Thickness Inner Dia. Tube Ident. Outer Dia. Wall Thickness Inner Dia.
101 1 3/32 13/16 131 1-1/2 7/32 1-1/16 161 2 5/32 1-11/16 191 2-1/2 9/64 2-7/32
102 1 7/64 25/32 132 1-1/2 1/4 1 162 2 11/64 1-21/32 192 2-1/2 5/32 2-3/16
103 1 1/8 3/4 133 1-5/8 3/32 1-7/16 163 2 3/16 1-5/8 193 2-1/2 3/16 2-1/8
104 1 9/64 23/32 134 1-5/8 7/64 1-13/32 164 2 7/32 1-9/16 194 2-1/2 7/32 2-1/16
105 1 5/32 11/16 135 1-5/8 1/8 1-3/8 165 2 1/4 1-1/2 195 2-1/2 1/4 2
106 1 3/16 5/8 136 1-5/8 5/32 1-5/16 166 2 9/32 1-7/16 196 2-1/2 9/32 1-15/16
107 1-1/8 3/32 15/16 137 1-5/8 3/16 1-1/4 167 2 5/16 1-3/8 197 2-1/2 5/16 1-7/8
108 1-1/8 7/64 29/32 138 1-5/8 7/32 1-3/16 168 2 3/8 1-1/4 198 2-1/2 3/8 1-3/4
109 1-1/8 1/8 7/8 139 1-5/8 1/4 1-1/8 169 2-1/4 3/32 2-1/16 199 2-5/8 3/32 2-7/16
110 1-1/8 5/32 13/16 140 1-3/4 3/32 1-9/16 170 2-1/4 7/64 2-1/32 200 2-5/8 1/8 2-3/8
111 1-1/8 3/16 3/4 141 1-3/4 7/64 1-17/32 171 2-1/4 1/8 2 201 2-5/8 5/32 2-5/16
112 1-1/4 3/32 1-1/16 142 1-3/4 1/8 1-1/2 172 2-1/4 5/32 1-15/16 202 2-5/8 3/16 2-1/4
113 1-1/4 7/64 1-1/32 143 1-3/4 9/64 1-15/32 173 2-1/4 3/16 1-7/8 203 2-5/8 7/32 2-3/16
114 1-1/4 1/8 1 144 1-3/4 5/32 1-7/16 174 2-1/4 7/32 1-13/16 204 2-5/8 1/4 2-1/8
115 1-1/4 9/64 31/32 145 1-3/4 3/16 1-3/8 175 2-1/4 1/4 1-3/4 205 2-5/8 5/16 2
116 1-1/4 5/32 15/16 146 1-3/4 7/32 1-5/16 176 2-1/4 9/32 1-11/16 206 2-3/4 3/32 2-9/16
117 1-1/4 3/16 7/8 147 1-3/4 1/4 1-1/4 177 2-1/4 5/16 1-5/8 207 2-3/4 7/64 2-17/32
118 1-1/4 7/32 13/16 148 1-3/4 9/32 1-3/16 178 2-1/4 3/8 1-1/2 208 2-3/4 1/8 2-1/2
119 1-3/8 3/32 1-3/16 149 1-7/8 3/32 1-11/16 179 2-3/8 3/32 2-3/16 209 2-3/4 5/32 2-7/16
120 1-3/8 1/8 1-1/8 150 1-7/8 7/64 1-21/32 180 2-3/8 7/64 2-5/32 210 2-3/4 3/16 2-3/8
121 1-3/8 5/32 1-1/16 151 1-7/8 1/8 1-5/8 181 2-3/8 1/8 2-1/8 211 2-3/4 7/32 2-5/16
122 1-3/8 3/16 1 152 1-7/8 9/64 1-19/32 182 2-3/8 9/64 2-3/32 212 2-3/4 1/4 2-1/4
123 1-3/8 7/32 15/16 153 1-7/8 5/32 1-9/16 183 2-3/8 5/32 2-1/16 213 2-3/4 9/32 2-3/16
124 1-3/8 1/4 7/8 154 1-7/8 3/16 1-1/2 184 2-3/8 3/16 2 214 2-3/4 5/16 2-1/8
125 1-1/2 3/32 1-5/16 155 1-7/8 7/32 1-7/16 185 2-3/8 7/32 1-15/16 215 2-3/4 3/8 2
126 1-1/2 7/64 1-9/32 156 1-7/8 1/4 1-3/8 186 2-3/8 1/4 1-7/8 216 2-3/4 7/16 1-7/8
127 1-1/2 1/8 1-1/4 157 1-7/8 9/32 1-5/16 187 2-3/8 5/16 1-3/4 217 2-7/8 3/32 2-11/16
128 1-1/2 9/64 1-7/32 158 2 3/32 1-13/16 188 2-1/2 3/32 2-5/16 218 2-7/8 1/8 2-5/8
129 1-1/2 5/32 1-3/16 159 2 7/64 1-25/32 189 2-1/2 7/64 2-9/32 219 2-7/8 9/64 2-19/32
130 1-1/2 3/16 1-1/8 160 2 1/8 1-3/4 190 2-1/2 1/8 2-1/4 220 2-7/8 5/32 2-9/16
Tube Ident. Outer Dia. Wall Thickness Inner Dia. Tube Ident. Outer Dia. Wall Thickness Inner Dia. Tube Ident. Outer Dia. Wall Thickness Inner Dia. Tube Ident. Outer Dia. Wall Thickness Inner Dia.
221 2-7/8 3/16 2-1/2 296 4 1/4 3-1/2 371 5-3/4 3/32 5-9/16 446 8 3/32 7-13/16
222 2-7/8 7/32 2-7/16 297 4 9/32 3-7/16 372 5-3/4 1/8 5-1/2 447 8 1/8 7-3/4
223 2-7/8 1/4 2-3/8 298 4 5/16 3-3/8 373 5-3/4 3/16 5-3/8 448 8 3/16 7-5/8
224 2-7/8 9/32 2-5/16 299 4 3/8 3-1/4 374 5-3/4 1/4 5-1/4 449 8 1/4 7-1/2
225 2-7/8 5/16 2-1/4 300 4 7/16 3-1/8 375 5-3/4 5/16 5-1/8 450 8 3/8 7-1/4
226 2-7/8 3/8 2-1/8 301 4 1/2 3 376 5-3/4 3/8 5 451 8 1/2 7
227 3 3/32 2-13/16 302 4 5/8 2-3/4 377 5-3/4 7/16 4-7/8 452 8 9/16 6-7/8
228 3 7/64 2-25/32 303 4-1/4 3/32 4-1/16 378 5-3/4 1/2 4-3/4 453 8 5/8 6-3/4
229 3 1/8 2-3/4 304 4-1/4 7/64 4-1/32 379 6 3/32 5-13/16 454 8 3/4 6-1/2
230 3 5/32 2-11/16 305 4-1/4 1/8 4 380 6 1/8 5-3/4 455 8-1/4 1/8 8
231 3 3/16 2-5/8 306 4-1/4 5/32 3-15/16 381 6 5/32 5-11/16 456 8-1/4 1/4 7-3/4
232 3 7/32 2-9/16 307 4-1/4 3/16 3-7/8 382 6 3/16 5-5/8 457 8-1/4 3/8 7-1/2
233 3 1/4 2-1/2 308 4-1/4 7/32 3-13/16 383 6 1/4 5-1/2 458 8-1/4 1/2 7-1/4
234 3 9/32 2-7/16 309 4-1/4 1/4 3-3/4 384 6 5/16 5-3/8 459 8-1/2 1/8 7-1/4
235 3 5/16 2-3/8 310 4-1/4 5/16 3-5/8 385 6 3/8 5-1/4 460 8-1/2 3/16 8-1/8
236 3 3/8 2-1/4 311 4-1/4 3/8 3-1/2 386 6 7/16 5-1/8 461 8-1/2 1/4 8
237 3 7/16 2-1/8 312 4-1/4 7/16 3-3/8 387 6 1/2 5 462 8-1/2 3/8 7-3/4
238 3 1/2 2 313 4-1/4 1/2 3-1/4 388 6 9/16 4-7/8 463 8-1/2 1/2 7-1/2
239 3-1/4 3/32 3-1/16 314 4-1/4 9/16 3-1/8 389 6 5/8 4-3/4 464 8-1/2 5/8 7-1/4
240 3-1/4 7/64 3-1/32 315 4-1/4 5/8 3 390 6 3/4 4-1/2 465 8-1/2 3/4 7
241 3-1/4 1/2 3 316 4-1/2 3/32 4-5/16 391 6-1/4 3/32 6-1/16 466 9 1/8 8-3/4
242 3-1/4 9/64 2-31/32 317 4-1/2 1/8 4-1/4 392 6-1/4 1/8 6 467 9 3/16 8-5/8
243 3-1/4 5/32 2-15/16 318 4-1/2 5/32 4-3/16 393 6-1/4 3/16 5-7/8 468 9 1/4 8-1/2
244 3-1/4 3/16 2-7/8 319 4-1/2 3/16 4-1/8 394 6-1/4 1/4 5-3/4 469 9 3/8 8-1/4
245 3-1/4 7/32 2-13/16 320 4-1/2 7/32 4-1/16 395 6-1/4 5/16 5-5/8 470 9 7/16 8-1/8
246 3-1/4 1/4 2-3/4 321 4-1/2 1/4 4 396 6-1/4 3/8 5-1/2 471 9 1/2 8
247 3-1/4 9/32 2-11/16 322 4-1/2 5/16 3-7/8 397 6-1/4 1/2 5-1/4 472 9 5/8 7-3/4
248 3-1/4 5/16 2-5/8 323 4-1/2 3/8 3-3/4 398 6-1/4 5/8 5 473 9 3/4 7-1/2
249 3-1/4 3/8 2-1/2 324 4-1/2 7/16 3-5/8 399 6-1/2 3/32 6-5/16 474 9-1/2 1/8 9-1/4
250 3-1/4 7/16 2-3/8 325 4-1/2 1/2 3-1/2 400 6-1/2 1/8 6-1/4 475 9-1/2 3/16 9-1/8
251 3-1/4 1/2 2-1/4 326 4-1/2 5/8 3-1/4 401 6-1/2 1/4 6 476 9-1/2 1/4 9
252 3-1/2 3/32 3-5/16 327 4-1/2 3/4 3 402 6-1/2 5/16 5-7/8 477 9-1/2 3/8 8-3/4
253 3-1/2 7/64 3-9/32 328 4-3/4 3/32 4-9/16 403 6-1/2 3/8 5-3/4 478 9-1/2 1/2 8-1/2
254 3-1/2 1/8 3-1/4 329 4-3/4 1/8 4-1/2 404 6-1/2 1/2 5-1/2 479 9-1/2 9/16 8-3/8
255 3-1/2 9/64 3-7/32 330 4-3/4 5/32 4-7/16 405 6-1/2 5/8 5-1/4 480 9-1/2 3/4 8
256 3-1/2 5/32 3-3/16 331 4-3/4 3/16 4-3/8 406 6-1/2 3/4 5 481 10 1/8 9-1/4
257 3-1/2 3/16 3-1/8 332 4-3/4 1/4 4-1/4 407 6-3/4 3/32 6-9/16 482 10 3/16 9-5/8
258 3-1/2 7/32 3-1/16 333 4-3/4 5/16 4-1/8 408 6-3/4 1/8 6-1/2 483 10 1/4 9-1/2
259 3-1/2 1/4 3 334 4-3/4 3/8 4 409 6-3/4 3/16 6-3/8 484 10 3/8 9-1/4
260 3-1/2 9/32 2-15/16 335 4-3/4 7/16 3-7/8 410 6-3/4 1/4 6-1/4 485 10 1/2 9
261 3-1/2 5/16 2-7/8 336 4-3/4 1/2 3-3/4 411 6-3/4 5/16 6-1/8 486 10 5/8 8-7/8
262 3-1/2 3/8 2-3/4 337 5 3/32 4-13/16 412 6-3/4 3/8 6 487 10 3/4 8-1/2
263 3-1/2 7/16 2-5/8 338 5 1/8 4-3/4 413 6-3/4 7/16 5-7/8 488 10-1/2 1/8 10-1/4
264 3-1/2 1/2 2-1/2 339 5 5/32 4-11/16 414 6-3/4 1/2 5-3/4 489 10-1/2 3/16 10-1/8
265 3-5/8 3/32 3-7/16 340 5 3/16 4-5/8 415 6-3/4 3/4 5-1/4 490 10-1/2 1/4 10
266 3-5/8 1/8 3-1/2 341 5 7/32 4-9/16 416 7 3/32 6-13/16 491 10-1/2 3/8 9-3/4
267 3-5/8 5/32 3-5/16 342 5 1/4 4-1/2 417 7 1/8 6-3/4 492 10-1/2 1/2 9-1/2
268 3-5/8 3/16 3-1/4 343 5 5/16 4-3/8 418 7 3/16 6-5/8 493 10-1/2 3/4 9
269 3-5/8 7/32 3-3/16 344 5 3/8 4-1/4 419 7 1/4 6-1/2 494 11 3/16 10-5/8
270 3-5/8 1/4 3-1/8 345 5 7/16 4-1/8 420 7 5/16 6-3/8 495 11 1/4 10-1/2
271 3-5/8 3/8 2-7/8 346 5 1/2 4 421 7 3/8 6-1/4 496 11 3/8 10-1/4
272 3-5/8 7/16 2-3/4 347 5 5/8 3-3/4 422 7 1/2 6 497 11 1/2 10
273 3-3/4 3/32 3-9/16 348 5 3/4 3-1/2 423 7 5/8 5-3/4 498 11-3/4 3/16 11-3/8
274 3-3/4 1/8 3-1/2 349 5-1/4 3/32 5-1/16 424 7 3/4 5-1/2 499 11-3/4 1/4 11-1/4
275 3-3/4 5/32 3-7/16 350 5-1/4 1/8 5 425 7-1/4 1/8 7 500 11-3/4 3/8 11
276 3-3/4 3/16 3-3/8 351 5-1/4 5/32 4-15/16 426 7-1/4 3/16 6-7/8 501 11-3/4 1/2 10-3/4
277 3-3/4 7/32 3-5/16 352 5-1/4 3/16 4-7/8 427 7-1/4 1/4 6-3/4 502 11-3/4 9/16 10-5/8
278 3-3/4 1/4 3-1/4 353 5-1/4 1/4 4-3/4 428 7-1/4 5/16 6-5/8 503 11-3/4 5/8 10-1/2
279 3-3/4 5/16 3-1/8 354 5-1/4 5/16 4-5/8 429 7-1/4 3/8 6-1/2 504 11-3/4 11/16 10-3/8
280 3-3/4 3/8 3 355 5-1/4 3/8 4-1/2 430 7-1/4 1/2 6-1/4 505 11-3/4 3/4 10-1/4
281 3-3/4 7/16 2-7/8 356 5-1/4 7/16 4-3/8 431 7-1/2 3/32 7-5/16 506 11-3/4 1 9-3/4
282 3-3/4 1/2 2-3/4 357 5-1/4 1/2 4-1/4 432 7-1/2 1/8 7-1/4 507 12 1/8 11-3/4
283 3-7/8 3/32 3-11/16 358 5-1/4 5/8 4 433 7-1/2 3/16 7-1/8 508 12 3/16 11-5/8
284 3-7/8 1/8 3-5/8 359 5-1/2 3/32 5-5/16 434 7-1/2 1/4 7 509 12 1/4 11-1/2
285 3-7/8 5/32 3-9/16 360 5-1/2 1/8 5-1/4 435 7-1/2 5/16 6-7/8 510 12 3/8 11-1/4
286 3-7/8 3/16 3-1/2 361 5-1/2 5/32 5-3/16 436 7-1/2 3/8 6-3/4 511 12 1/2 11
287 3-7/8 1/4 3-3/8 362 5-1/2 3/16 5-1/8 437 7-1/2 1/2 6-1/2 512 12 5/8 10-3/4
288 3-7/8 5/16 3-1/4 363 5-1/2 1/4 5 438 7-1/2 3/4 6 513 12 3/4 10-1/2
389 3-7/8 3/8 3-1/8 364 5-1/2 5/16 4-7/8 439 7-3/4 1/8 7-1/2 514 12-3/4 1/8 12-1/2
290 4 3/32 3-13/16 365 5-1/2 3/8 4-3/4 440 7-3/4 3/16 7-3/8 515 12-3/4 3/16 12-3/8
291 4 7/64 3-25/32 366 5-1/2 7/16 4-5/8 441 7-3/4 1/4 7-1/4 516 12-3/4 1/4 12-1/4
292 4 1/4 3-3/4 367 5-1/2 1/2 4-1/2 442 7-3/4 5/16 7-1/8 517 12-3/4 1/2 11-3/4
293 4 9/64 3-23/32 368 5-1/2 9/16 4-3/8 443 7-3/4 3/8 7 518 12-3/4 9/16 11-5/8
294 4 5/32 3-11/16 369 5-1/2 5/8 4-1/4 444 7-3/4 1/2 6-3/4 519 12-3/4 3/4 11-1/4
295 4 3/16 3-5/8 370 5-1/2 3/4 4 445 7-3/4 3/4 6-1/4

Not sure what you are looking for? Contact Ameralloy Steel an ISO 9001 certified supplier that specializes in finding hard-to-find Stainless and Alloys. Along with our proprietary grades Amera-Braze, Durelloy, and Dura-Krome. Our knowledgeable sales team will help you find what you are looking for. With many shapes, sizes, and material grades available, we can help you find what you are looking for. The most common items stocked are Tube, Pipe, Sheet, Plate, Hex bar, Square bar, Round bar, Threaded bar, Pump Shaft, and Millimeter sizes. We offer added fabrication services. Contact us now for the current price and delivery.

Ameralloy Steel Corporation is a prime supplier of speciality steel bar products and wear-resistant high-impact steel plate. Our full catalogue features speciality steels and standard AISI alloys to meet your demanding applications.

Ameralloy’s precision-forged speciality steels and standard alloys are shipped worldwide with reliable on-time service.

Ameralloy provides engineering services for your steel products. From forging to machining and finishing, our Chicago based steel service centre will manufacture, ship, and deliver your order with unrivalled quality and service


Tap or Call: +1 (800) 237-0113

Email Project Specification: sales@ameralloy.com